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My glorious kitchen! The waaayyyy belated update.

 This was, the last room to be completed in our epic renovation. I call it EPIC, as the process has taken a total of seven years to bring our home from the psychedelic 1970's to now.  95% of our renovations have been done by ourselves. We have recycled many materials and items over the years and re-used wherever possible. It is possible to do things on a budget - you just need to be prepared to live on a building site forever and do bits and pieces over time.  I do say "we" in the renovations, but I need to give credit where credit is due. And that is to Steve. The man is so switched on. He puts his mind to anything and before I know it, it is done. Not a builder by trade but a mechanic, he has literally rebuilt the inside of our house on his own.  Back to my kitchen. This was her before:   > > > > Dated, tired and old. Completely nothing wrong with it but as you can see, for a 4 bedroom house this kitchen was squishy and pokey and lacked storage. Y

A few good men.

   I hate the news. I hate that my feed on Facebook is filled with sad, devastating snippets on a daily basis. I had to unfollow a whole lot of them. I stopped watching the news a while ago as the noise of it made my head implode. There is never nice stuff on the news hey? I'm sure all this stuff has been happening at the same rate but due to technology and instant updates, we are bombarded with it all the time. There is something to be said about cutting your time "online" even if for just a little bit. Like having a "meat-less Monday" but lets have a "internet-less Monday".  And I have heard recently of the Royal Commission Against Family Violence  that is underway. I for one, will gladly pay a levy in my tax to support this. Family violence is a serious issue in our backyards. We need to address it and not have our head in the sand. Even if it isn't happening to you - the likelihood that it is occurring to someone that you know is high. Becom

I think I'm doing this whole blogging thing wrong

     It has come to my attention that I've been doing this blog biz here now for two years. Two years peeps! Something that started out as a little outlet for me, a minimal outlay hobby, a space that I could "unload" has slowly but surely grown to become a real love and in sorts, a part of me.  I am, very proud of the work and writing that I have put up here. There have been times where my posts have been long, short, funny, informative. I have had consistent times of when i would put posts up and then go into lulls of "meh". Thing is, I think I've been doing it wrong here lately. Nearly every day at some point, an idea would pop into my head where I would think,  "Awesome! I'll write about that!", but fear has gotten the better of me. For some stupid reason, fear of what the billions , thousands , hundreds , okay only my friends will think of what I write here has given me stage fright. And if you knew me in "real life" THIS IS

Let's remember to be human

    What the last 12 months has taught me, is to appreciate the time we have. We never know when it will be up, and life, as we know should never be taken for granted.  I, You, We, live in world where everything is so fast paced. Technology is really at our fingertips, we are expected to be “on” and all over it ALL THE TIME. And don’t get me wrong. I have shit days. I get angry, I get annoyed and overwhelmed. I look at the constant pile of washing and dishes and menial crap that I have to do everyday and just moan. I want to sometimes run into my bathroom, lock the door and just sit, cry and block out the noise. Life is just hard sometimes hey?   But. Watch this. Some of the wisest words I have heard.    

The thing that keeps me going..

      I had three different people ask me yesterday if I was okay. Three. I must be sending out this vibe without even know it – that not all is well with Cheryl. The last few posts I have had a standard moan at the moment of feelings of overwhelms, tiredness and basically at my tether with adulting. Can there really be a point of not being able to adult? I don’t know. Most days, I awake and take in that deep breath to start the day that I know will be another hectic one. Most days, I smile in the face of this and really try, like really try to get on with it. I don’t want to give more fuel to the fire of lostness that I already feel. But this hill, which feels like a mountain and I am the ant seems to be getting higher and higher, I can’t even get my legs to stand me up so I can start the long walk to the top  Maybe its just that time of year – where Summer brings out that beautiful buzz of activity. Where the days are longer, the sun is out and it is the season where it is “

Gotta love a good laugh

    Image via Pinterest    According to the World Wide Web authority on EVERYTHING, laughter helps a lot. Google says, “ Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cell and infection –fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.” Oh give me more of that! And I loooovveee a good laugh, you know the ones where you start snorting and have to hope to God that your pelvic floor does not fail you? They are the absolute bomb. Two videos came up on my feed this week that got my giggles on. And when giggles are on I have to share.       And..... for all the parents out there:       To more laughing I say!     

When my own overwhelm becomes boring

     I just can’t at the moment. Or more specifically, I don’t want to. Everything and anything has crept up on me to face me full frontal and I have felt overwhelmingly heavy, with anxiety just on the edge at all times waiting to rear its ugly head. I don’t do anything extraordinary day in, day out. My tasks during the day are not ground breaking stuff. My to-do list isn’t earth shattering; I’m not solving world peace or a cure for cancer. But. This mothering, full-time working, running a home, getting food on the table, fucking WASHING, bills to pay and basically sort all the shit has gotten the better of me of late and that silver lining glow is a very dim, very dim light that has been so hard to see that is has become illusive. And I’ve actually become quite bored with my own internal complaining. The more I think about the “heap” the more bogged down I seem to get. The light at the end of the tunnel is no closer to step through, so I wont digress anymore for now as my own