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Showing posts from April, 2014

When It All Changed - Part 1

 You know the drill.... boy meets girl, girl likes guy, guy likes girl bla bla bla.... But this story didn't have that happy ending that everyone hopes for. It actually turned to shit pretty quickly and the rose coloured glasses that i had on for awhile came off and poof the prince was no longer the knight in shining armour. I believe that you meet people in your life for a reason - sometimes it's to show you that you are absolutely the worst possible match out there. Thing is i was young - a teenager infact and the day that i was sitting on the toilet looking down at a pregnancy test that showed "positive" at a ripe old age of 19 was a day that everything changed. " Oh fuck!" i thought to myself... Fast forward 9 months and 10days, 36 kgs of pregnancy eating bliss ( and i really thought i had the most gorgeous pregnancy glow! haha) and 42 hours of the most agonising pain known to man, out came the most beautiful, perfect little baby boy i had ever seen!...

Here we go... taking the leap!

  I cannot believe that "writers block" has already hit me! Have been doing countless hours of research on the internet trying to "perfect" the idea of my first post. What to write about, the tone bla bla bla... and now sitting here infront of my gorgeous new MacBook Pro! ( yes very excited i am on my new buddy addition!) I have decided to wipe everything that i have read under the carpet and take a deep breath and just do it.  So what does a 30 something full time working mum have to write about? And will anyone really give a crap about what she has to say? Well i did think about this in depth before i started setting up this blog and looking back at it now i have to say that i'll hang on tight and go with this journey and see where it leads me.  Life contstantly throws us curveballs with a touch of  "wow!" as to the reason why i named my blog "a bit of bliss and mayhem", because everyday there is something crazy and hectic going on in the...