Be authentic. Be. Authentic. That is what every blogging forum, blogging Facebook group and most Blogging conferences say is one of the most important things to be when setting up a blog. The other is to find your niche. I’m not sure what my niche is, as I write about what is going on in my life. So I guess my niche is my life. In the last year, I have spent quite a bit of time building my blog, writing and putting my heart and soul out onto this Internet space and I have really loved the process. I have also been aware that the best way to be, is to be me on here, and with that comes honest, unedited posts (except spelling) with the occasional cursing and have the style of my writing the way that I talk, so If you met me in person – I would hope that the person that you were reading about, is the person that you would be chatting to over a coffee. Or wine. Preferably wine. There are dangers though when you do start a blog. The intent in the beginning is always to be e