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Showing posts from September, 2018

You, Are My Beloved

 The tangle web of unfortunate events has been a cause for my quietness on here of late. When everything happens, and it feels like everything, small things like nurturing a creative outlet of a little blog seems to really get put on the back burner. For a wee little minute I thought about shutting it all down. I mean, call yourself a writer but not write. Now that’s an oxymoron if I’d ever heard one, right? And all these bloggers that say, “ it’s been ages” or “ I think of posts to write all the time” or “I’ll definitely write more often”, I hear you, loud and clear. My Beloved, has been chronically unwell since February this year. Watching someone you love go through extreme bouts of pain and watching the motivation dribble away from their face has been heart- breaking. I cannot describe to you enough how my heart hurts watching the man I adore go through what he is going through this year. Steve was diagnosed with Advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis. It has been a rigmarole journey t