I had three different people ask me yesterday if I was okay. Three. I must be sending out this vibe without even know it – that not all is well with Cheryl. The last few posts I have had a standard moan at the moment of feelings of overwhelms, tiredness and basically at my tether with adulting. Can there really be a point of not being able to adult? I don’t know. Most days, I awake and take in that deep breath to start the day that I know will be another hectic one. Most days, I smile in the face of this and really try, like really try to get on with it. I don’t want to give more fuel to the fire of lostness that I already feel. But this hill, which feels like a mountain and I am the ant seems to be getting higher and higher, I can’t even get my legs to stand me up so I can start the long walk to the top Maybe its just that time of year – where Summer brings out that beautiful buzz of activity. Where the days are longer, the sun is out and it is the season where it is “