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The thing that keeps me going..

      I had three different people ask me yesterday if I was okay. Three. I must be sending out this vibe without even know it – that not all is well with Cheryl. The last few posts I have had a standard moan at the moment of feelings of overwhelms, tiredness and basically at my tether with adulting. Can there really be a point of not being able to adult? I don’t know. Most days, I awake and take in that deep breath to start the day that I know will be another hectic one. Most days, I smile in the face of this and really try, like really try to get on with it. I don’t want to give more fuel to the fire of lostness that I already feel. But this hill, which feels like a mountain and I am the ant seems to be getting higher and higher, I can’t even get my legs to stand me up so I can start the long walk to the top  Maybe its just that time of year – where Summer brings out that beautiful buzz of activity. Where the days are longer, the sun is out and it is the season where it is “

Gotta love a good laugh

    Image via Pinterest    According to the World Wide Web authority on EVERYTHING, laughter helps a lot. Google says, “ Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cell and infection –fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.” Oh give me more of that! And I loooovveee a good laugh, you know the ones where you start snorting and have to hope to God that your pelvic floor does not fail you? They are the absolute bomb. Two videos came up on my feed this week that got my giggles on. And when giggles are on I have to share.       And..... for all the parents out there:       To more laughing I say!     

When my own overwhelm becomes boring

     I just can’t at the moment. Or more specifically, I don’t want to. Everything and anything has crept up on me to face me full frontal and I have felt overwhelmingly heavy, with anxiety just on the edge at all times waiting to rear its ugly head. I don’t do anything extraordinary day in, day out. My tasks during the day are not ground breaking stuff. My to-do list isn’t earth shattering; I’m not solving world peace or a cure for cancer. But. This mothering, full-time working, running a home, getting food on the table, fucking WASHING, bills to pay and basically sort all the shit has gotten the better of me of late and that silver lining glow is a very dim, very dim light that has been so hard to see that is has become illusive. And I’ve actually become quite bored with my own internal complaining. The more I think about the “heap” the more bogged down I seem to get. The light at the end of the tunnel is no closer to step through, so I wont digress anymore for now as my own

Easy Peasy Berry Delight Desert

  {recipe by mwah #NotAFoodBlogger}   I’m no chef. I’d like to think of myself as a person that has learnt over time to appreciate cooking. I used to burn vegetables and meals all the time! One night I was craving desert. I couldn’t be bothered getting back in the car after just getting home from a full day out, so my mind went straight to scavenging what I had as in supplies in the cupboards. If you are time poor like me but after a quick desert fix that looks pretty special, this is for you! EASY PEASY BERRY DELIGHT DESERT {Serves 4}   What you need:  1 square of frozen puff pastry Handful of frozen or fresh berries for each puff square Honey { to drizzle over } Icing sugar Cream or Ice-cream on the side   Method   Pre-heat over to 180 degrees Pull out one sheet of puff pastry from the freezer and place on your kitchen bench to thaw out for a few minutes. When it is soft, cut the large square into 4 smaller squares. Line baking tray with baking paper Place 4 sq

Love is Love

      It is so easy to get yourself worked up about the little stuff. When I get into that head-space it compounds and compounds. It really makes it hard to get some perspective. I had a lovely weekend away with my family. We jumped into the car, bags packed and cruised up the highway to Bendigo. My goodness, Victoria is beautiful. Raw, country paddocks, hot breeze against my face was the best medicine. It was exactly what I needed after a week of bleh…. I need to admit something to you all as well. I’m in love with someone. His name is NETFLIX! { Oh Netflix, always reliable, interesting and on demand} . What more could a girl ask for  With boys in bed, I curled up on the couch for a date with my man. {The man, being Netflix}. I’m a sucker at the moment for documentaries so I scrolled through the latest to pick out my watch for the night. I came across one called “Bridegroom”. The synopsis was, “ Shane Bitney Crone’s plans to marry Tom Bridegroom in California after the same-sex

Deflated and overwhelmed

     To be honest, the last two weeks have been hard. Nothing in particular and everything in particular has compounded and most days I feel like I am drowning. I am exhausted. And usually that’s okay. Working full-time and also being a mum, juggling all things, is my thing. And most of the time I do it pretty well. But I’ve been knocked for six and want to explain it a bit further. Usually when I write here on the blog, it is up- beat. Bliss stuff, You know, triumphs, successes things that are going on in my life that are great. Well, Mayhem is all that I have been feeling the last fortnight. Mayhem. Let me digress. Last week my eldest son started high school. Yes, High School. I am officially a mother of a tween. Years ago, when Ethan was diagnosed with Autism, I would sit there crying in my hands, as I couldn’t see the end of the tunnel. I could not see what my boy would be like as he grew. Those early days of extremely limited language lack of connection, meltdown upon mel

David Jones, thank you for the music

 The music industry has lost another legend this week, David Bowie. I remember where I was on those days where iconic people left us such as Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain, I'm sure you do to.  Bowie, was iconic and a real mover for his times. Some may even call him the father of punk. He exploded onto the scene well before I was born but my admiration for his craft and love and passion for his art transcends age. It transcends eras of music too. There is something about his music that strikes a core.  What an honour he has left us with the legacy of his work.  RIP David.